Friday 28 December 2012

Happy New Year: Where's Your Wallet and Phone?

Well that's Christmas over and done with and I am beginning to appreciate receiving the new pairs of socks now. The feast has left all my other clothes a little tight but there are two main events left before the annual diet and fitness campaign; New Year's Eve party and the New Year sales.

The New Year Party will no doubt afford us the opportunity to over indulge and embarrass ourselves while the packed pubs and 'No Dad' dancers out there can get close and fantastic on the dance floor. This is where we are most vulnerable, not just buying everybody a drink because we have drank ourselves popular, or because those pictures get on Facebook flippin' quickly, but as we will be rubbing up and bouncing into people we will not be aware of the pick pockets 'Bumping' our wallets or 'Lifting' our purses from our hand bags. Disaster, especially if we have not carried out our pre-party preparation.

So what is that?

First, arrange how you are going to get to the event and back. If you are too old to rely on the Mum and Dad taxi service then get that taxi booked now as time is fast running out. If you are like me try and be honest with yourself, accept the fact that you will not be leaving at 2 minutes passed midnight and ensure you book a realistic time. However, If you haven't booked it already then you may need to negotiate the time with the Taxi company.

Second, ensure you keep either the Taxi company's business card or a note of their number and booking reference on you, but separate from your wallet or purse. Gents, this is easy put it into your pocket....Ladies, sorry no idea!

Third, take as little as possible. If you need to take a card just take one with some cash. Gents you need to start carrying it in your front trouser pocket. Lets face it, you Gents over 40 may appreciate it during the slow dances at 2 am. Ladies, a small bag with a zip pocket and fastener with a strap is best. As for taking as little as possible I'm talking money and cards, as for what you Ladies take in those Tardis like bags of yours is something I will never fathom out.

Fourth, the phone. We all have the addiction of getting the latest mobile phone, but can we afford to lose it even if we have taken out the extortionate insurance? Thought not. So bite the bullet get one of your old ones out of retirement, yes we all have the phone graveyard draw, and take that instead. I tend to send my mass cheesy New Year's message before I go out so it is done and then take the smallest phone with me with the taxi firm's details on. Although, now that I am the wrong side of forty and partial to a slow dance at 2 am I might bring the big old Nokia out of retirement.

So that is all the prep done, security wise so what about the party?

Be careful when you go into your wallet and handbags as this is when you are most likely to be targeted by pick-pockets.  When at the bar, get into the habit of keeping one hand in your pocket on your wallet, or firmly over the lid of your handbag. When you do have to get access to your money make sure the wallet/ bag/ purse is in front of you at all times and below the level of the bar.

And all this applies to the New Year sales as well just exchange the term bar for payment point. So have a great New Year, be safe, have fun and make sure you have all the hangover cure stuff in the fridge before you set off.


Monday 17 December 2012

Security Industry-Managing Expectations

The Security industry is a wash with ex-military personnel. The next impending mass exodus of military personnel, is happening in 2013-14, with the security industry's training organisations rubbing their hands with the prospect of so many troops spending their Enhanced Learning Credits (ELCs) and resettlement grants on courses where the likelihood of employment is, at best, remote.

I have gone down the familiar route of Close Protection (CP), Maritime Security (MSO) and Surveillance and it has suited me, but what is very clear is that there are other skill sets that will make you more employable in this security industry. Many firms are looking at new overseas markets where they require multi-skilled personnel to establish new bases, so to compliment your existing military/security skill sets, look at qualifications in:

  • Plumbing
  • Electrician
  • Health and Safety
  • Construction
  • Specialist Vehicle Licenses
These qualifications enable an employer to get more (skill sets) out of less (employees). I know of two 50+ year old ex-military guys who left the military in the early 1980's and have beaten younger, and operationally more current service leavers to a new African contract, because they completed a high end CP course, kept fit, worked hard on the UK circuit and brought more to the party through their construction skills and life experience.

UK security work is seasonal, less well paid and results in a considerable amount of unemployment. The attraction for employers for the more lucrative contracts is a clean record (CRB), a record of security employment backed by references, and accredited weapons training and a security clearance.

So how do you achieve this: Firstly, never turn down work unless the client is 'Dodgy' no matter how un-glamorous it is; Secondly, and you may not like this ......join the reserves. Forget the promise of these overseas weapons courses as they may soon become illegitimate, they are unlikely to train you on the weapons you will be issued in a contract and almost certainly not to the same qualification shoot. Who are the instructors? Who is the qualifying body? The reserves enables you to maintain your security clearance, because you do not automatically keep it when you leave. I left the regulars and joined the reserves with unbroken service, which resulted in me keeping my security clearance, although not the higher clearances. I maintain an accredited fitness level, weapons qualification and my unit enables me to qualify on foreign weapons. This is worth real money and yet it cost me fact they pay me and offer me additional qualifications.

Finally, if you are being made redundant and you are a volunteer, good luck and follow your dream, but keep in the back of your mind the value of the reserves as the grass is not always greener. If you are not a volunteer ,then don't let the anger and disappointment take over, as if you are still passionate for the job then you will be perfect for the reserves with, bizarrely, more opportunities and prospects than before.

Good luck, research the market and do what you enjoy.


Friday 14 December 2012

Christmas Cards (Debit & Credit)

Credit and debit card fraud is well known and often in the news, yet we never think it is ever going to happen to us. The scammers have many ways to take our money and we let them by not carrying out the simplest of counter measures.

Tip 1 

Threat: All cashpoint machines/ATM's have cameras built into them. Scammers often hide small cameras under the upper casement of the 'hole in the wall' facing down to the keypad and sit off about 20 metres away watching you input your PIN. Once they are happy they have it they will attempt a 'lift' (pick-pocket you) later and then withdraw your cash.

Counter Measure: As you have been told so many times before, hide your PIN when inputting from people looking over your shoulder but also from cameras inside the hole in the wall. I use my wallet to cover my fingers doing the 'walking'.

Tip 2

 When paying for meals or at market stalls we tend to use our cards.  This is fine but never let the card out of your sight, even for a moment, as the card can be swiped through a second device in seconds and funds removed from your account.

Counter Measure: Ask the vendor to bring the machine to the table or go up to the counter with the member of staff. If this is a first date Gents don't forget to tense the buttocks as you walk away from your lady friend.

Tip 3

Don't take your cards out with you if you don't need to. Most of us have several cards so select one and secure the rest at home.


Office Party Foolishness

This time of year is a time when bosses dig deep into their pockets and take the staff out for a party, our boss here at Kirk and Parry Ltd is buying extra large fish and chips, as we have already received our high-tech surveillance equipment for Christmas.

Back to the parties- we all know of that embarrassing moment when 'Dave' has drunk too much and created that awkward moment with the boss or when 'Neil' and 'Amanda' have that extra marital kiss, which we can record for evidence if required, but how many of us forget that most of the discussions about work reveal critical information of great commercial value to our competitors. This often results in contracts being lost to a lower tender, ideas stolen and sold on the market place sooner, both of which can lead to job losses.

So if you are in a public place this Christmas having the works party, watch what you drink and with who, but please don't talk about company business... and why would its a party!


Monday 10 December 2012

Its Not Only Santa that Breaks-in at Christmas!

So Christmas is on the horizon and we are buying all those presents that we cannot afford and hidden them in the garden sheds and garages; so the kids cannot find them. Places that are both insecure and the easiest to break in to. There are many cheap and effective ways of securing your sheds and garages, but avoiding these temporary storage areas in the first place is by far the best.

Thieves target homes every Christmas with the sole intent of stealing presents. So rather than employing a specialist security consultant like Kirk and Parry Ltd for your domestic security needs, you can seek free and useful advice from your local constabulary, who may also be able to give you some security tags for that Christmas present staple...the bike.

If you have any concerns then go to our Website and send us an inquiry and we would be pleased to assist you.

Have a Merry (Safe and Secure) Christmas


Sunday 9 December 2012

Almost there!

A few minor hitches with the construction of our website are almost all resolved and site launch will be any day now.

Kirk & Parry